the crisp cool air has taken up residence in the valley... it is official... summer is over...
i stumbled over to anthropologie this afternoon to torture myself... here are my MUST HAVES of the season... even though i will not be having ANY of them... except for in my dreams.
can't you just see this with a wonderful scarf...

love this bit of sass...
cozy wozy... put on some leggin's... light the fire... cook up some stew and in the meantime sip on some apple cider... yumm...
i think i could sell real estate in this...
this is for miss hot mama...
so sweet... i might have to break down and actually purchase this... it is too delightful... and imagine is under one of those fabulous coats above... yep.
didn't think the previous photo did the shirt justice... so here it is on a human.
ri-dic-u-lous. love the sass... yet again.
skinny jean to go with ALL of the above...
new thing... i think it is called a jegging... not sure though... they are jean leggins... need 'em.
classic legging with a twist... stirrups. dig it.
i LOVE patterned tights. LOVE.
pinwheels. cute.
AH... these are SOCKS!
i have been on the look out for the perfect pair of black boots... i found my perfect pair of brown ones last year... now i need black ones... not sure if these are them... but they would do in a pinch... for sure.
ok now i am going a bit too far into my little fantasy shopping excursion... i live where it snows feet... multiple feet... over night... not sure these are appropriate... but oh so divine.
yet again... the snow... not sure suede... wedge... peep-toe heals would be a good idea... but then again i could just wear my sorels to my destination and then make a quick switch-a-roo upon arrival... yeah that could work... so problem solved... now just need to acquire these little buggers...
maybe these could work too with little grippers added to the bottom...
what do you think of my winter wardrobe?
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